Civil War II

Today in America we’re in the midst of a civil war. There are 2 sides to this war, but one side is somewhat cloaked. Let’s call them the Fascists. You might call them Republicans, but it doesn’t include all Republicans. You might call them MAGAts, but they are not delusionally following an orange haired leader. They are fighting to remake America, and they believe they are engaged in necessary warfare to do this. Remember, when you are engaged in warfare, the normal rules don’t apply. Fascists don’t agree with the Constitution as it is now written, as they are in a war to amend the Constitution, and they don’t feel it applies to them. Their war tactics are meant to overthrow the Constitution.

Some tactics include trying to get enough Republican legislatures so that the Constitution itself can be amended. This tactic was going well, but then push back (finally) started. This tactic was mostly legal, but Fascists don’t feel they are bound by “legality” of the current Constitution, because they think it’s wrong and ineffective and making society in a way they do not like. Acceptable tactics of course include voter suppression to get good people in power. Hell, own the voting boxes and just change the vote totals, that works too. If Democrats want to mail in votes, disallow that for Democrats. Whatever! Once in power under what you see as the old, useless Constitution, use the power you have to subvert the Constitution because, remember, this group doesn’t believe in the Constitution anyway. Foreign help? Hell yes if it will get you where you want to go. The US had a ton of help from France during the Revolution; why is Russian help these days any different? Change long established rules in the Senate for example, don’t let a Supreme Court Justice’s confirmation hearing go forward? Those rules are only (by this thinking) for those who believe the Constitution is itself a valid document. If you don’t believe in the Constitution, if you are at war with the Obama-ites and the puny existing Constitution and its 14th amendment etc, why do you care for the Senate’s rules? Why listen to facts or evidence during an impeachment? Fascists have just enough power to feel they don’t have to follow the rules.

Damn I wish they had fired on Fort Sumter or something so we’d know we were in a war, but they didn’t. Instead, they just act like people with no regard for the current US Constitution (because they are in a war to change the way the US is run, duh). Any tactics that work while still lulling the dumb idiots who believe in the constitution (largely Democrats and independents) to think you are not acting 100% in bad faith are fair game. People say, there is no bottom – to this President, to this Attorney General. Yes there is. That is when the Fascists win Civil War II and the Constitution no longer applies in the US. This is the goal. When did this war start? I don’t know exactly, but it’s been going on a while. It’s an undercover war. Think Vietnam in the 50’s. Think “hearts and minds” if that means anything. Imagine if the US were trying to overthrow a foreign leader today, would it have any respect for that foreign government’s laws? Of course not. US would do all it could so long as it didn’t get caught. Here, we are in the situation that factions in the US are trying to overthrow the US Constitution. These factions (Fascists?) care as little about US laws as they would about a foreign country’s laws.

Funny thing is, the other side (dumb Democrats) don’t realize there is a Civil War going on. Democrats by and very large are following the Constitution. All those protests, all those protesters? They are acting squarely within their First Amendment Rights. There may be a little looting. By a very few. Protesters talk of “Defund the Police.” But they’re talking about doing it through Constitutionally permissible mechanisms. They are law-abiding. Protesters want black people to stop being killed at outrageously high rates by police. They would be happy I think for white people to stop being killed by police as well. It’s a reasonable request Black Lives Matter presents, but more importantly, it’s presented legally. So no, it's not working.

I think some previously Republican Never Trumpers understand in some sense there may be an underlying rationale for the illegality of many actions and actors – National level for sure but at the State level too in some places- and how the Fascists are joined by a common cause (defeat the Constitution). Never Trumpers understand this to some extent. They fight back, Lincoln Project for example, to some extent. Democrats are well behind the 8 ball. They are still trying to do things as far as I can tell above board and legally.
But you can’t bring a lawyer to a gun fight. The US Attorney General? No question whose side he is on. Maybe bring State Attorneys General – but over half (26) of US states have Republican Attorney Generals who are sympathetic to the ideals of the Fascists and therefore may be willing to overlook some actions that may in the light of day not be entirely legal. And once vote totals are "certified", they are forever beyond reproach (phew!).

So the next time you see something blatantly illegal or treasonous by someone in power, don’t excuse them that they’re idiots, or they’re deluded, they don't know the law, or they’re being blackmailed. It’s not “tampering”. 

It’s war. And right now, the Democrats are losing. Losing? Hell, they’re not even fighting.
